TSE3 | The default CommandHistory limit size. |
TSE3::App | TSE3 library application support. |
TSE3::App::Application | Support class providing core TSE3 application functionality. |
TSE3::App::ApplicationChoiceHandler | TSE3::App::Application ChoiceHandler. |
TSE3::App::ChoiceHandler | Choice save/load base class. |
TSE3::App::ChoicesManager | Choices file saving management. |
TSE3::App::ChoicesManager::ChoicesChoiceHandler | This internal class does the real work of the ChoicesHandler saving. |
TSE3::App::DestinationChoiceHandler | TSE3::Ins::Destination ChoiceHandler. |
TSE3::App::MetronomeChoiceHandler | TSE3::Metronome ChoiceHandler. |
TSE3::App::MidiMapperChoiceHandler | TSE3::MidiMapper ChoiceHandler. |
TSE3::App::Modified | TSE3::Song modified status monitor. |
TSE3::App::PanicChoiceHandler | TSE3::Panic ChoiceHandler. |
TSE3::App::PartDisplay | Support class for TSE3::Part display. |
TSE3::App::PartSelection | Support class for selecting one or more Part object. |
TSE3::App::Record | Support class for recording. |
TSE3::App::TrackSelection | Support class for selecting one or more Track object. |
TSE3::App::TransportChoiceHandler | TSE3::Transport ChoiceHandler. |
TSE3::Clock | Time of a MidiEvent. |
TSE3::Cmd | TSE3 library undo/redoable commands. |
TSE3::Cmd::Command | Base command class. |
TSE3::Cmd::CommandGroup | Group of commands Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::CommandHistory | History of which Command objects have been executed. |
TSE3::Cmd::FlagTrack_Add | Add TSE3::Flag Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Part_Move | Move TSE3::Part Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Part_SetInfo | Set TSE3::Part info Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Part_SetPhrase | Set TSE3::Part TSE3::Phrase Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Phrase_Create | Insert TSE3::Phrase Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Phrase_Erase | Erase TSE3::Phrase Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Phrase_Replace | |
TSE3::Cmd::Phrase_SetInfo | Set TSE3::Phrase info Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Song_InsertTrack | Insert Track Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Song_RemoveTrack | Remove Track Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Song_SetAuthor | Set Song author Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Song_SetCopyright | Set Song copyright Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Song_SetDate | Set Song date Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Song_SetInfo | Set Song info strings Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Song_SetTitle | Set Song title Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Song_SoloTrack | Solo Track Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Track_Glue | Snip TSE3::Part command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Track_RemovePart | Remove Part Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Track_SetInfo | Set TSE3::Track info Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Track_Snip | Snip TSE3::Part command. |
TSE3::Cmd::Track_Sort | Sort Tracks Command. |
TSE3::Cmd::VariableSetCommand | Variable setting command template class. |
TSE3::DisplayParams | A collection of application display parameter values. |
TSE3::DisplayParamsListener | DisplayParams listener interface. |
TSE3::Error | TSE3 exception base class. |
TSE3::Event | The Event class is an internal part of the Notifier/Listener framework, used to multicast a particular event to a set of Listener objects. (internal) |
TSE3::Event::equal_to | This functor returns the value of equals for the Event class. |
TSE3::EventTrack | A simple track containing Event objects. |
TSE3::EventTrackListener | EventTrack listener interface. |
TSE3::FileBlockParser | Internal utility for loading TSE3MDL blocks. |
TSE3::FileItemParser | Internal utility for parsing TSE3MDL data lines. |
TSE3::FileItemParser_Clock | Internal utility for parsing Clock data lines. |
TSE3::FileItemParser_Number | Internal utility for parsing numeric data lines. |
TSE3::FileItemParser_OnOff | Internal utility for parsing On/Off/Yes/No data lines. |
TSE3::FileItemParser_ReasonOnOff | Internal utility for parsing numeric data lines. |
TSE3::FileItemParser_String | Internal utility for parsing string data lines. |
TSE3::FileRecogniser | Object used to work out a file's type. |
TSE3::Filter | Interface for a MidiEvent filter. |
TSE3::Flag | A flag. |
TSE3::FlagTrack | A list of Flag events. |
TSE3::Impl | TSE3 private implementation namespace. (internal) |
TSE3::Impl::CritSec | Convenient API for Mutex class. |
TSE3::Impl::Mutex | Mutex class used to ensure TSE3 thread safety. |
TSE3::Impl::MutexImpl | Mutex implementation base class. |
TSE3::Impl::NullMutexImpl | 'Null' MutexImpl class. |
TSE3::Impl::arg_count | This class template is used as a compile time utility to count how many parameters have been passed to the Event class template. (internal) |
TSE3::Impl::def_type | This is a minimal default type. (internal) |
TSE3::Impl::num_type | A type used to overload member functions based on integer values. (internal) |
TSE3::Impl::void_list | A very simple "vector" class. (internal) |
TSE3::Ins | Utility classes for MIDI instrument definitions. |
TSE3::Ins::CakewalkInstrumentFile | Cakewalk .ins file parser. |
TSE3::Ins::ControlData | Instrument MIDI controller data group. |
TSE3::Ins::Destination | MIDI destination information utility. |
TSE3::Ins::Instrument | MIDI Instrument definition. |
TSE3::Ins::InstrumentData | Instrument data container class. |
TSE3::Ins::NoteData | Instrument note data group. |
TSE3::Ins::NrpnData | Instrument NRPN data group. |
TSE3::Ins::PatchData | Instrument patch data group. |
TSE3::Ins::RpnData | Instrument RPN data group. |
TSE3::Ins::Voice | Instrument voice definition. |
TSE3::KeySig | A key signature change. |
TSE3::KeySigTrack | A list of KeySig events. |
TSE3::Listener | Listener interface for Notifier events. |
TSE3::Metronome | Metronome tick object. |
TSE3::MetronomeListener | Metronome listener interface. |
TSE3::MidiCommand | Data type of a single complete MIDI message. |
TSE3::MidiCommandFilter | Filter for MidiCommands. |
TSE3::MidiCommandFilterListener | MidiCommandFilter listener interface. |
TSE3::MidiData | A list of MidiEvents. |
TSE3::MidiDataListener | MidiData listener interface. |
TSE3::MidiEcho | Software MIDI Thru port. |
TSE3::MidiEchoListener | MidiEcho listener interface. |
TSE3::MidiEvent | A MidiCommand with associated Clock scheduling time and possible ballancing MidiCommand_NoteOff. |
TSE3::MidiEvent::equal_to | This functor returns the value of operator==. |
TSE3::MidiFileExport | MIDI file exporter. |
TSE3::MidiFileExportError | Exception thrown by MidiFileExport. |
TSE3::MidiFileImport | MIDI file importer. |
TSE3::MidiFileImportError | Exception thrown by MidiFileImport. |
TSE3::MidiFileImportListener | MidiFileImport listener interface. |
TSE3::MidiFilter | Simple MidiEvent filter. |
TSE3::MidiFilterListener | MidiFilter listener interface. |
TSE3::MidiMapper | MidiEvent port destination mapper. |
TSE3::MidiMapperListener | MidiMapper listener interface. |
TSE3::MidiParams | A collection of MIDI parameter values. |
TSE3::MidiParamsListener | MidiParams listener interface. |
TSE3::MidiScheduler | A MIDI interface providing scheduling facilities. |
TSE3::MidiScheduler::PortInfo | The internal map of port numbers to implementation indexes. |
TSE3::MidiSchedulerError | Exception class thrown by OSS MidiScheduler classes. |
TSE3::MidiSchedulerFactory | MidiScheduler class factory. |
TSE3::MidiSchedulerListener | MidiScheduler listener interface. |
TSE3::Mixer | TSE3 Mixing desk. |
TSE3::MixerChannel | TSE3 MIDI port Mixing desk. |
TSE3::MixerChannelListener | MixerChannel listener interface. |
TSE3::MixerListener | Mixer listener interface. |
TSE3::MixerPort | TSE3 MIDI port Mixing desk. |
TSE3::MixerPortListener | MixerPort listener interface. |
TSE3::Notifier | Base class for objects that multicast events to listeners. |
TSE3::Panic | Playable 'panic' sequencer generator. |
TSE3::PanicListener | Panic listener interface. |
TSE3::Part | A placement of a Phrase in a Track. |
TSE3::PartError | Class of exception thrown by the Part class. |
TSE3::PartListener | Part listener interface. |
TSE3::Phrase | A list of MidiEvents with unique reference name. |
TSE3::PhraseEdit | An editable Phrase data type. |
TSE3::PhraseEditListener | PhraseEdit listener interface. |
TSE3::PhraseList | A list of Phrases. |
TSE3::PhraseListError | PhraseList exception. |
TSE3::PhraseListListener | PhraseList listener interface. |
TSE3::PhraseListener | Phrase listener interface. |
TSE3::Playable | A 'playable' object interface. |
TSE3::PlayableIterator | Iterator over the MidiEvents in a Playable. |
TSE3::PlayableListener | Playable listener interface. |
TSE3::Plt | TSE3::MidiScheduler platform implementations. |
TSE3::Plt::AlsaMidiScheduler | Alsa MidiScheduler implementation. |
TSE3::Plt::ArtsMidiScheduler | Arts MidiScheduler implementation. |
TSE3::Plt::OSSMidiScheduler | OSS MidiScheduler implemtation. |
TSE3::Plt::RiscOsMidiScheduler | RISC OS MidiScheduler implementation. |
TSE3::Plt::UnixMidiSchedulerFactory | Unix platform MidiSchedulerFactory settings. |
TSE3::Plt::Win32MidiScheduler | Win32 MidiScheduler implemtation. |
TSE3::Plt::Win32MidiScheduler::HMIDI | |
TSE3::PresetColours | A collection of application display parameter values. |
TSE3::PresetColoursListener | PresetColours listener interface. |
TSE3::Progress | Demidify progress callback interface. |
TSE3::Repeat | A repeat point. |
TSE3::RepeatTrack | A list of Repeat events. |
TSE3::Serializable | Interface for serializable data. |
TSE3::Serializable::indent | |
TSE3::SerializableError | Exception class thrown by Serializable classes. |
TSE3::SerializableLoadInfo | Data structure used by the Serializable class during loading. |
TSE3::Song | A piece of playable music. |
TSE3::SongError | Class of exception thrown by the Song insert methods. |
TSE3::SongListener | Song listener interface. |
TSE3::TSE2MDL | TSE version 2 file operations. |
TSE3::TSE3MDL | Object used to load/save TSE3MDL song files. |
TSE3::TSE3MDL::Header | An internal class for saving and loading the TSE3MDL file header. |
TSE3::Tempo | A tempo change. |
TSE3::TempoTrack | A list of Tempo events. |
TSE3::TimeSig | A time signature change. |
TSE3::TimeSigTrack | A list of TimeSig events. |
TSE3::Track | Represents the concurrent musical sections of a Song. |
TSE3::TrackError | Class of exception thrown by the Track class when inserting a Part fails. |
TSE3::TrackListener | Track listener interface. |
TSE3::Transport | Manager of transport facilities. |
TSE3::TransportCallback | MIDI activity callback for Transport. |
TSE3::TransportListener | Transport listener interface. |
TSE3::Util | TSE3 library utilities. |
TSE3::Util::Demidify | Reconstruct Song structure utility. |
TSE3::Util::DemidifyException | Exception type thrown by Demidify. |
TSE3::Util::NullMidiScheduler | Null MidiScheduler implementation (does nothing!). |
TSE3::Util::PowerQuantise | Staggeringly impressive Phrase quantisation. |
TSE3::Util::PowerQuantise::Pattern | This class represents the PowerQuantise pattern, or 'groove'. |
TSE3::Util::Snap | Time 'snapping'. |
TSE3::Util::StreamMidiScheduler | Diagnostic ostream MidiScheduler implementation. |
Generated by: pete on philemon on Wed May 25 14:39:52 2005, using kdoc 2.0a54. |