ChoiceHandlers are used by the ChoicesManger object. You access the choices save/load mechanism through that object.
This is a base class for objects that can save a particular block of choices. ChoiceHandlers are registered with the ChoicesManager which delegates responsibility for saving/loading to each ChoiceHandler.
ChoiceHandlers implement the Serializable interface as the mechansim with which to perform saving, however they differ from the normal TSE3::Song hierarchy save method since the object whose state is being saved is not the TSE3::Serializable object - it is a ChoiceHandler based on it that does the saving.
A number of stock implementations of ChoiceHandler are provided to save the common TSE3 objects that are not directly related to a Song. However, an application will want to add many more ChoiceHandlers to save it's internal settings (e.g. window positions, feature statuses end so on).
See also: ChoicesManager
ChoiceHandler (const std::string &choicename)
| ChoiceHandler |
Create a ChoiceHandler with the given name.
~ChoiceHandler ()
| ~ChoiceHandler |
const std::string & name ()
| name |
Returns the name of this ChoiceHandler. This is a unique text string that will identify a block of data in the choices file as having been saved by this ChoiceHandler.
std::string _name | _name |