The Cmd namespace contains classes that implement the Command pattern (GoF book). They use the TSE3 API to provide undo/redoable commands objects for all commonly performed operations.
There are a large number of commands that can be used for different purposes. The base class for all TSE3 commands is the Command. There exists one command class for every useful operation on the TSE3::Song data structure and it's subcomponents.
There is one proviso with using commands: if you manipulate some of a TSE3::Song with commands, for the undo/redo to work you must (logically) manipulate the TSE3::Song entirely through Command objects. Otherwise the undo/redo system will be faced with complicated inconsistencies which cannot be resolved.
You can store executed Command objects on the CommandHistory buffer to automate the undo/redo process.
Command subclasses are easy to write, so it's not difficult to add your own commands and use them with the CommandHistory. See the notes in the main TSE3 library documentation for more information.