TSE3 Namespace Annotated List

Annotated List
TSE3 The small amount of time which playback starts before the specified time to give the transport object enough time to get some MidiEvents into the scheduler.
TSE3::ClockTime of a MidiEvent.
TSE3::DisplayParamsA collection of application display parameter values.
TSE3::DisplayParamsListener DisplayParams listener interface.
TSE3::ErrorTSE3 exception base class.
TSE3::Event The Event class is an internal part of the Notifier/Listener framework, used to multicast a particular event to a set of Listener objects. (internal)
TSE3::Event::equal_to This functor returns the value of equals for the Event class.
TSE3::EventTrackA simple track containing Event objects.
TSE3::EventTrackListener EventTrack listener interface.
TSE3::FileBlockParserInternal utility for loading TSE3MDL blocks.
TSE3::FileItemParserInternal utility for parsing TSE3MDL data lines.
TSE3::FileItemParser_ClockInternal utility for parsing Clock data lines.
TSE3::FileItemParser_NumberInternal utility for parsing numeric data lines.
TSE3::FileItemParser_OnOffInternal utility for parsing On/Off/Yes/No data lines.
TSE3::FileItemParser_ReasonOnOffInternal utility for parsing numeric data lines.
TSE3::FileItemParser_StringInternal utility for parsing string data lines.
TSE3::FileRecogniserObject used to work out a file's type.
TSE3::FilterInterface for a MidiEvent filter.
TSE3::FlagA flag.
TSE3::FlagTrackA list of Flag events.
TSE3::ImplTSE3 private implementation namespace. (internal)
TSE3::Impl::CritSecConvenient API for Mutex class.
TSE3::Impl::MutexMutex class used to ensure TSE3 thread safety.
TSE3::Impl::MutexImplMutex implementation base class.
TSE3::Impl::NullMutexImpl'Null' MutexImpl class.
TSE3::Impl::arg_count This class template is used as a compile time utility to count how many parameters have been passed to the Event class template. (internal)
TSE3::Impl::def_type This is a minimal default type. (internal)
TSE3::Impl::num_type A type used to overload member functions based on integer values. (internal)
TSE3::Impl::void_list A very simple "vector" class. (internal)
TSE3::KeySigA key signature change.
TSE3::KeySigTrackA list of KeySig events.
TSE3::ListenerListener interface for Notifier events.
TSE3::MetronomeMetronome tick object.
TSE3::MetronomeListener Metronome listener interface.
TSE3::MidiCommandData type of a single complete MIDI message.
TSE3::MidiCommandFilterFilter for MidiCommands.
TSE3::MidiCommandFilterListener MidiCommandFilter listener interface.
TSE3::MidiDataA list of MidiEvents.
TSE3::MidiDataListener MidiData listener interface.
TSE3::MidiEchoSoftware MIDI Thru port.
TSE3::MidiEchoListener MidiEcho listener interface.
TSE3::MidiEventA MidiCommand with associated Clock scheduling time and possible ballancing MidiCommand_NoteOff.
TSE3::MidiEvent::equal_to This functor returns the value of operator==.
TSE3::MidiFileExportMIDI file exporter.
TSE3::MidiFileExportErrorException thrown by MidiFileExport.
TSE3::MidiFileImportMIDI file importer.
TSE3::MidiFileImportErrorException thrown by MidiFileImport.
TSE3::MidiFileImportListener MidiFileImport listener interface.
TSE3::MidiFilterSimple MidiEvent filter.
TSE3::MidiFilterListener MidiFilter listener interface.
TSE3::MidiMapperMidiEvent port destination mapper.
TSE3::MidiMapperListener MidiMapper listener interface.
TSE3::MidiParamsA collection of MIDI parameter values.
TSE3::MidiParamsListener MidiParams listener interface.
TSE3::MidiSchedulerA MIDI interface providing scheduling facilities.
TSE3::MidiScheduler::PortInfo The internal map of port numbers to implementation indexes.
TSE3::MidiSchedulerError Exception class thrown by OSS MidiScheduler classes.
TSE3::MidiSchedulerFactoryMidiScheduler class factory.
TSE3::MidiSchedulerListener MidiScheduler listener interface.
TSE3::MixerTSE3 Mixing desk.
TSE3::MixerChannelTSE3 MIDI port Mixing desk.
TSE3::MixerChannelListener MixerChannel listener interface.
TSE3::MixerListener Mixer listener interface.
TSE3::MixerPortTSE3 MIDI port Mixing desk.
TSE3::MixerPortListener MixerPort listener interface.
TSE3::NotifierBase class for objects that multicast events to listeners.
TSE3::PanicPlayable 'panic' sequencer generator.
TSE3::PanicListener Panic listener interface.
TSE3::PartA placement of a Phrase in a Track.
TSE3::PartError Class of exception thrown by the Part class.
TSE3::PartListener Part listener interface.
TSE3::PhraseA list of MidiEvents with unique reference name.
TSE3::PhraseEditAn editable Phrase data type.
TSE3::PhraseEditListener PhraseEdit listener interface.
TSE3::PhraseListA list of Phrases.
TSE3::PhraseListErrorPhraseList exception.
TSE3::PhraseListListener PhraseList listener interface.
TSE3::PhraseListener Phrase listener interface.
TSE3::PlayableA 'playable' object interface.
TSE3::PlayableIteratorIterator over the MidiEvents in a Playable.
TSE3::PlayableListener Playable listener interface.
TSE3::PresetColoursA collection of application display parameter values.
TSE3::PresetColoursListener PresetColours listener interface.
TSE3::ProgressDemidify progress callback interface.
TSE3::RepeatA repeat point.
TSE3::RepeatTrackA list of Repeat events.
TSE3::SerializableInterface for serializable data.
TSE3::SerializableError Exception class thrown by Serializable classes.
TSE3::SerializableLoadInfo Data structure used by the Serializable class during loading.
TSE3::SongA piece of playable music.
TSE3::SongError Class of exception thrown by the Song insert methods.
TSE3::SongListener Song listener interface.
TSE3::TSE2MDLTSE version 2 file operations.
TSE3::TSE3MDLObject used to load/save TSE3MDL song files.
TSE3::TSE3MDL::Header An internal class for saving and loading the TSE3MDL file header.
TSE3::TempoA tempo change.
TSE3::TempoTrackA list of Tempo events.
TSE3::TimeSigA time signature change.
TSE3::TimeSigTrackA list of TimeSig events.
TSE3::TrackRepresents the concurrent musical sections of a Song.
TSE3::TrackError Class of exception thrown by the Track class when inserting a Part fails.
TSE3::TrackListener Track listener interface.
TSE3::TransportManager of transport facilities.
TSE3::TransportCallbackMIDI activity callback for Transport.
TSE3::TransportListener Transport listener interface.

Generated by: pete on philemon on Wed May 25 14:40:07 2005, using kdoc 2.0a54.