Source: ../../../tse3/src/tse3/plt/OSS.h
* @(#)plt/OSS.h 3.00 20 July 1999
* Copyright (c) 2000 Pete Goodliffe (
* This file is part of TSE3 - the Trax Sequencer Engine version 3.00.
* This library is modifiable/redistributable under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef TSE3_PLT_OSS_H
#define TSE3_PLT_OSS_H
#include "tse3/MidiScheduler.h"
#include "config.h"
#ifdef TSE3_WITH_OSS
struct synth_info;
struct midi_info;
namespace TSE3
namespace Plt
class OSSMidiScheduler_SynthDevice;
* This is the Open Sound System @ref MidiScheduler implementation.
* It requires OSS version 3.60.
* Since it opens /dev/sequencer (the OSS sequencer interface) there
* can only ever be one of these objects instantiated at any given time.
* Subsequent instanitations will throw an exception.
* Before you create an object of this type you may want to call the
* following static member functions to set the location of patches
* files:
* @li @ref OSSMidiScheduler_FMDevice::setPatchesDirectory
* @li @ref OSSMidiScheduler_GUSDevice::setPatchesDirectory
* @short OSS MidiScheduler implemtation
* @author Pete Goodliffe
* @version 0.00
* @see MidiScheduler
* @see OSSMidiSchedulerFactory
class OSSMidiScheduler : public MidiScheduler
* @throws TSE3::MidiSchedulerError
virtual ~OSSMidiScheduler();
* OSS specific settings
* This returns in which directory the device will look for
* FM patch files. This must be set before the device is
* created.
* The patches directory path can contain multiple paths,
* separated by colons.
* @see setFmPatchesDirectory
static std::string &fmPatchesDirectory();
* Call this before creating the @ref OSSMidiScheduler object
* to set up where to look for FM patches files.
* @see fmPatchesDirectory
static void setFmPatchesDirectory(const std::string &dir);
* This returns in which directory the device will look for
* GUD patch files. This must be set before the device is
* created. (In fact, it must be set before each GUS voice is
* loaded - they are loaded on demand. However, it is safest to
* set this before creating the device.)
* The patches directory path can contain multiple paths,
* separated by colons.
* @see setGusPatchesDirectory
static std::string &gusPatchesDirectory();
* Call this before creating the @ref OSSMidiScheduler object
* to set up where to look for GUS patches files.
* @see gusPatchesDirectory
static void setGusPatchesDirectory(const std::string &dir);
* @reimplemented
virtual const char *impl_implementationName() const;
* @reimplemented
virtual const char *impl_portName(int port) const;
* @reimplemented
virtual const char *impl_portType(int port) const;
* @reimplemented
virtual bool impl_portReadable(int port) const;
* @reimplemented
virtual bool impl_portWriteable(int port) const;
* @reimplemented
virtual void impl_start(Clock clock);
* @reimplemented
virtual void impl_stop(Clock clock);
* @reimplemented
virtual void impl_moveTo(Clock moveTime, Clock newTime);
* @reimplemented
virtual Clock impl_clock();
* @reimplemented
virtual int impl_msecs();
* @reimplemented
virtual void impl_setTempo(int tempo, Clock changeTime);
* @reimplemented
virtual bool impl_eventWaiting();
* @reimplemented
virtual MidiEvent impl_rx();
* @reimplemented
virtual void impl_tx(MidiCommand mc);
* @reimplemented
virtual void impl_tx(MidiEvent mc);
* @reimplemented
virtual void impl_txSysEx(int port,
const unsigned char *data,
size_t size);
OSSMidiScheduler(const OSSMidiScheduler &);
OSSMidiScheduler &operator=(const OSSMidiScheduler &);
* Does the tx. If outOfBand is false, sends data to the
* end of the playback queue. If outOfBand is true, it
* sends data immediately.
void tx(const MidiCommand mc, bool outOfBand);
unsigned char *running; // running status values
bool *useRunning; // does device support running sts?
unsigned int nosynths; // no of internal synth devices
unsigned int nomidis; // no of MIDI ports
unsigned int nodevices; // nosynths + nomidis
int rate; // sequencer timer rate (in ms)
int rateDivisor; // value to / timer by to get ms
synth_info *synthinfo; // synth_info for each synth device
midi_info *midiinfo; // midi_info for each MIDI device
// In C we write SEQ_DEFINEBUF(1024); to set up some OSS magic
// which creates a buffer that the OSS macros write data into.
// However, this won't work in a class declaration. Sigh.
// So this is how we do it.
int seqfd; // file descfor /dev/sequencer
unsigned char *_seqbuf; // buffer for /dev/sequencer data
int _seqbuflen; // size of _seqbuf
int _seqbufptr; // pointer to end of pending data
void seqbuf_dump(); // wrts _seqbuf to /dev/sequencer
void seqbuf_clean(); // flushes the buffer
// For a given port (TSE3 speak, same as OSS device number) is
// it a synth or MIDI device?
bool isSynth(unsigned int port) const
return port < nosynths;
bool isMidi(unsigned int port) const
return port >= nosynths;
// MIDI devices are easy to send data too, but the synths need
// some special massaging. The classes held in this table do
// just that.
OSSMidiScheduler_SynthDevice **devices;
// Output malarky
Clock lastTxTime; // Time last MidiCommand was scheduled
// Input malarky
bool input; // true if there is an input command
MidiCommand command; // if input is true, this holds the input
Clock time; // time of the input MidiCommand
* Performs input scan of the /dev/sequencer device and
* interprets what it reads. If there is any input, then
* the input variable is set to true. When you've read the
* input, then set it to false.
void readInput();
Generated by: pete on philemon on Wed May 25 14:39:52 2005, using kdoc 2.0a54. |