Source: ../../../tse3/src/tse3/Serializable.h

Annotated List
 * @(#)Serializable.h 3.00 7 Jun 1999
 * Copyright (c) 2000 Pete Goodliffe (
 * This file is part of TSE3 - the Trax Sequencer Engine version 3.00.
 * This library is modifiable/redistributable under the terms of the GNU
 * General Public License.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.



namespace TSE3
    class Song;
    class Progress;

     * Data structure used by the @ref Serializable class during loading.
     * It contains information that has been gained about the file, mostly
     * from the "Header" chunk. Most @ref Serializable classes will not need
     * to write to this struct, but will almost certainly need to read it
     * (at least to convert local file PPQN resolution to TSE3 system PPQN).
    struct SerializableLoadInfo
         * The PPQN resolution of timestamps in this file. You can use
         * this to convert timestamps to the correct values in use in the
         * TSE3 library. See @ref Clock's convert() method.
         * This information is read from the file's "Header" chunk.
        int PPQN;

         * The current Song. This is set once by the @ref TSE3MDL class.
         * You may not write over this value afterwards or you will
         * create undefined behaviour.
        Song *song;

         * The files's najor version number, read from it's "Header" chunk.
         * This should be informational since the TSE3MDL file format is
         * forwards and backwards compatible.
         * The (invalid) value -1 means that no major version has been read.
        int major;

         * The file's minor version number, read from it's "Header" chunk.
         * This should be informational since the TSE3MDL file format is
         * forwards and backwards compatible.
         * The (invalid) value -1 means that no minor version has been read.
        int minor;

         * A boolean flag which reports whether the loading encountered
         * any unknown chunks (which will have been skipped over).
         * If you are not using the @ref FileBlockParser class to perform
         * parsing, you must set this flag to true if you come across any
         * unrecognised chunks. The @ref FileBlockParser class does this
         * automatically.
        bool unknownChunks;

         * A boolean flag which reports whether the loading encountered
         * any unknown data lines (which will have been ignored).
         * If you are not using the @ref FileBlockParser class to perform
         * parsing, you must set this flag to true if you come across any
         * unrecognised data lines. The @ref FileBlockParser class does this
         * automatically.
        bool unknownData;

         * A counter which reports how many chunks (and sub-chunks) were
         * in the file.
         * If you are not using the @ref FileBlockParser class to perform
         * parsing, you must increment this counter if you come across a new
         * chunk. The @ref FileBlockParser class does this automatically.
        size_t noChunks;

         * If the operation that triggered this serializable operation
         * provided a @ref Progress callback object, this points to it.
         * This information is used by the @ref FileBlockParser utility.
         * You do not need to handle this in client code.
        Progress *progress;

         * Sets up some default values for the struct values.
         * These are:
         * @li PPQN          - @ref Clock::PPQN
         * @li song          - 0
         * @li major         - -1
         * @li minor         - -1
         * @li unknownChunks - false
         * @li unknownData   - false
         * @li progress      - 0

     * Serializable is the base class of objects that can save their state
     * to a file in the block structure of the TSE3MDL specification.
     * Any class that wishes to be able to persist itself needs to implement
     * this interface.
     * @sect Important note
     * The entry point to save/load facilities is the @ref TSE3MDL
     * class, you should use that rather than the @ref Song class's Serializable
     * interface directly.
     * See the @ref TSE3MDL class documentation for more details.
     * @sect File format
     * Data is to be saved in the TSE3MDL file format. Each object will save
     * an amount of data in a block, whose format follows the layout below.
     *   {
     *       DATA_TAG1:DATA
     *       DATA_TAG2:DATA
     *   }
* * One data item exists per line. A mechanism exists to determine the * number of indentation spaces that precedes each line (it is passed * as a parameter to each @ref save() call). There are means to make * it easy to produce this indentation (see the @ref indent() method). * * When parsing the data unrecognised data items should be ignored, and * unrecognised chunks shall be skipped. * * The file format is further described in the HTML documentation that * comes with the TSE3 library, in the "doc" directory. * * @short Interface for serializable data * @author Pete Goodliffe * @version 1.00 * @see TSE3MDL */ class Serializable { public: Serializable() {} virtual ~Serializable() {} /** * This method causes the Serializable object to save a block * representing it's state to the ostream. The block will consist * of an opening "{" line, the data, zero or more sub-blocks * and a closing "}" line. * * It is the caller's responsibility to put an identifying tag * line in the ostream before calling this method so that it can * uniquely identify this Serializable. * * Calls to Serializable::save naturally nest. For example, the Song * Serializable class calls save on the @ref Track Serializable * class (amongst others). * * The default save will save an empty block. * (Not much use really ;-) * * @param out ostream to send output to * @param indentLevel Current indent level (this will produce * indentLevel*4 spaces at the start of the * output lines). */ virtual void save(std::ostream &out, int indentLevel) const; /** * This method loads a block for this particular Serializable * object. It is a precondition that it was a Serialiazble object * of this particular type that saved the block. * * The block tag will have been consumed from the stream, and the * next line to be parsed will be the opening "{". The block * and any sub-blocks (whether recognised or not) will be read * from the stream up to and including the closing "}". * * The default load will just skip the block without attempting * to interpret the contents. * * A utility class exists to aid writing the load method. This is * the @ref FileBlockParser, and it's related classes. * * @param in istream to take input from * @param info Object holding information about the @ref Song * being loaded * @see FileBlockParser. * @see SerializableLoadInfo */ virtual void load(std::istream &in, SerializableLoadInfo &info); protected: class indent { public: indent(int lvl) : level(lvl) {} int level; }; friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const indent &); private: Serializable &operator=(const Serializable &); Serializable(const Serializable &); }; /** * Used by implementations of Serializable::save. * * An implementation can call this to indent the line to the * given level. * * e.g. o << indent(5) << "DATA_TAG:" << data << "\n"; * * @internal */ inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Serializable::indent &i) { for (int n = 0; n < i.level; ++n) s << " "; return s; } } #endif

Generated by: pete on philemon on Wed May 25 14:39:52 2005, using kdoc 2.0a54.